Bible Reading in the Face of Global Crisis

The world changed this week. Never since in my lifetime, never for in more than 80 years, never since WW II has one country made a full-scale invasion of another country to take its sovereign territory. It is pure evil. “Vladimir the Terrible” (as Albert Mohler called him, based on other aggressive figures in Russian history), stood before his own country and the world to tell bold faced lies and then sent his missiles to kill and troops to invade Ukraine.

We have dear friends and missionaries there. We empathize with the children, women, and men of Ukraine whose faces we see on our TV screens. It is hard to process. Our hearts are heavy. We pray for the people of Ukraine.

But, as I said two years ago when the pandemic was winding up, we will do well to spend more time reading our Bibles than watching television. Glance at the problems, but gaze at the Lord.

Here are some suggestions. Crossway books has provided Ten Passages to Read in the Face of Global Conflict | Crossway Articles at this link. The list begins with Psalm 46, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way…” The list ends with Revelation, “He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (22:21).

Reading God’s Word fills our mind with God’s view of the world. He is on the throne. He is moving all nations toward the completion of His good plan. Reading the Bible also gives perspective for our personal lives and mission as His children.

There are many good Bible reading plans available. It doesn’t have to be New Year’s Day to start one—or restart one.

Currently, I’m encouraging our IBC family to read the Gospel of John. Take The 21 Day Journey through the Gospel of John . Or, read three chapters a day and go through it each week. This will help you get all the more out of our current message series, KNOWING JESUS from John.

If you like to read on your phone or device, has multiple Bible translations, Bible reading plans, and devotional series.

Reading God’s Word as a daily habit is one of the greatest keys to growing as a Christian. Show me a Christian who is in God’s Word, and I’ll show you a Christian who is growing. Show me a Christian not in God’s Word and I’ll show you a Christian who is struggling.

Bible reading is also vital for keeping the right perspective in this troubled world, now at war. It assures us that God will have the last word and it will be good.