Helping the People of Ukraine

 Our hearts are heavy for the suffering people in war torn Ukraine. Pray for our Ukrainian missionaries, Vlad and Julia. They are safe, but living as refugees and ministering as they are able. Their daughter (an ABC grad, married to an American Christian), texted that “because of your prayers, my parents are alive.”

If you would like to give to those suffering and those ministering in the name of Jesus in Ukraine, you may designate a gift through IBC for “Ukraine Relief.” We will send these gifts through ABWE International. This mission has ministered in Ukraine for decades and this week sent this information:

“Right now, in Ukraine, we’re watching a historic moment unfold.  Now, bombs are exploding in Kyiv, and tanks are rolling down the streets. In the midst of the chaos, our Ukraine team leader stated: “We are beyond the preparedness phase. We are ready to respond." But respond how? By meeting the needs of their Ukrainian neighbors—through the Ukraine Crisis Fund.  Through our partnership with Ukrainian pastors, we’re ready to: 

  • Provide housing for refugees 

  • Feed the community  

  • Fund evangelistic outreach projects to families and soldiers 

  • Pay for wood and coal to heat church buildings  

  • Purchase gas to help volunteers reach impoverished villages scarred by war  

  • Support crisis counseling for Ukrainians affected by conflict 

The Ukraine Crisis Fund isn’t new. Since Crimea was annexed in 2014, the fund has been meeting needs and changing lives. Sadly, now it’s just as necessary as it was eight years ago.”

The most important thing that we can do is to pray. Pray for Ukrainian Christians who are ministering to their countrymen while trying to survive. Pray that they will continue to keep their eyes on Christ. Pray for the Gospel of Christ to spread to thirsty souls, battered by war.

Pray for peace and justice to prevail. And be assured that this war has not caught our God by surprise. (Read Psalm 2.) His plan for this world will prevail, and one day His Son will come again and make things right.