Prayerfully discern and follow God’s will for pastoral staff succession.
50 men complete Biblical Leadership Class to expand pool of leaders, elders, and deacons.
Implement equipping for leadership and service according to spiritual gifts in all ministries.
Ten IBC individuals or families plan to remember IBC in their estate or long-term giving and appropriately celebrate them when made public.
At least ten IBC’ers per year complete My Legacy Planner.
Good stewardship of current facilities (including sanctuary HVAC and modular restroom).
Maximize use of church facilities and property (including remodel of old kitchen and older restrooms).
Identify and prioritize upgrades to facilities for future ministry according to guidance of Master Plan (incl. Entrance-Exit, Welcome area, upper Welcome Center entrance, OC stage extension, Outback).
Continue emphasis on disciple-making, Bible-teaching ministries.
Family Ministries
Disciple spiritually healthy spouses and parents who can competently study and apply the Bible in their marriages and families (Eph. 5-6).
Disciple all ages within the church to have healthy intergenerational relationships in which discipleship opportunities can thrive (Titus 2).
Disciple children and teens into young adults to be faithful disciples and servants within the church.
Local Outreach
Mobilize the entire IBC Body as missionaries to the Eastern Panhandle.
Regularly plan, promote, and support onsite and offsite local outreach. Encourage baptism and discipling of new believers.
Pray for, plan, prepare, and carry out our next church plant, if the Lord wills.
International Ministries
Be a missionary sending church (of our own members) expressed by sending 4 by ‘24 (for 1-2 missions).
Be a missionary sending church (of our own members) expressed by sending 8 by ‘28 as career missionaries.