Why Are We Here?

God gave us a very encouraging Annual Congregational Meeting at IBC on January 23. For one thing we had well more than a quorum of members on a wintry evening, plus it was only one hour long from start to finish.

More importantly, it was a celebration of what God did in and through IBC in 2021. As one member said to me just before the meeting, “I read the pastors’ reports and God is really doing great things through this church.” Praise the Lord.

For my opening devotional, I asked “Why are we here?” Why are we in this meeting and why are we in this church? The short version of our mission statement sums it up: “IBC exists to exalt God…”

Ephesians 3:20-21 answers in more detail.

We are here FOR GOD’S WORK. Now to him, who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us (3:20). In the context, this refers to the life change God brings about in saving and transforming broken people like us, shaping us into His own Body.

As we remembered God allowing us to support our daughter, Grace Church throughout 2021, as GC in now completely self-supporting and making disciples, and as God has raised up new workers, attendees, and members in place of those we sent even during a pandemic, we are reminded that God’s power is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think.

Second, we are here FOR GOD’S GLORY. To him be glory in the church (3:21a). The good things God did through His people at IBC display His greatness and goodness. God enabled His people to give generously and we finished $52,000 ahead of budget and $152,000 ahead of actual expenses. God’s people gave to the benevolent fund and $41,000 was shared with those in need. Over 28% of what we total disbursements went to Missions and Outreach, well over ½ a million dollars to reach souls for Christ in the nations and the neighborhoods. To God be the glory.

Third, we are here FOR GOD’S SON. To him, be glory… in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen.  (3:21b). As we lift up Christ and His Good News, the Holy Spirit is drawing all ages to God’s Son through the people of this church. We are desiring and planning to continue this for generations to come.

Let’s keep first things first in the New Year of ministry and trust God to do His powerful work for His own glory as we proclaim His Son.