Happy 30th Anniversary to FBC

On Sunday evening, October 3, Gerri and I were privileged to attend the 30th ANNIVERSARY Celebration with Pastor Van Marsceau at Fellowship Bible Church of Shenandoah Junction. They met outdoors under a big tent on their 50 acres, between the main building and picnic pavilion. It was a beautiful evening with lots of testimonies, singing with their orchestra, and communion together.

I was asked to briefly talk about “Scattering Seed—the Early Days” in 1991 when we held a Bible Study in Woody Beddow’s home with his neighbors and then helped the group prepare to use a Civil War era stone building in Bakerton for the first services starting in October. Attendance was around 30 except for a special friend day when the historic facility was packed with 75.

When IBC’s youth pastor, Van Marsceau took the pastorate in 1996, FBC was meeting in a school and still around 30 in attendance. Today, they have 50 acres, a beautiful building, a wonderful pastoral team, and three services on Sunday to accommodate all who attend. Their impact is worldwide through missions, interns trained for ministry, and an effective disciple-making, Bible teaching church.

The passage that I read was from 1 Corinthians 3:“What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth… For we are God’s fellow workers” (3:5-9). We get to be on God’s team and see what He does.

Jesus is building His church and it is a joy to watch Him at work through the efforts of His servants. I was encouraged by the wonderful evening of memories with FBC.

On September 21, most of the pastors from IBC and our church plants were able to meet for breakfast, fellowship, discussion, and encouragement. You may recognize faces here from Paw Paw Bible Church, FBC, Centerpoint Bible Church, and IBC. By the way, IBC, be praying about when and where God wants us to send the next church plant. It’s a great way to reach the unreached as He builds His Church.