Pass On the Word in Writing

God wrote a Book and we are born again “through the living and abiding Word of God” (1 Peter 1:13). People must hear or read Scripture to be saved (Romans 10:17). I have found that giving someone a book, pamphlet, or “tract” to be an effective tool in sharing the Gospel.

Here are two examples of using current events, hot topics, or widespread concerns to get people’s attention long enough to hear a message from God. These are available for your use at IBC…

Consider these Ten Reasons to Use Gospel Tracts, taken from “Moments with the Book” (

1.      Tracts can get inside homes and stay there. Tracts can be read many times over.

2.      Tracts never lose their temper or become involved in arguments.

3.      Tracts never flinch or show cowardice.

4.      Tract can stick to the point without compromising.

5.      Tracts never get discouraged.

6.      Tracts contain portions of Scripture, which God will use and bless (Isaiah 55:10-11).

7.      Tracts can go anywhere with you—work, school, vacation, shopping, repair shop, eating out, etc.

8.      Tracts explain the Gospel clearly and simply so that the reader can make a decision to trust Christ (if he is at the point in his understanding and personal desire to believe).

9.      Tracts are easy to give to another person with a smile and some encouragement to read them.

10.  Tracts are a great way for Christians to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the Gospel often and widely.

IBC provides a variety of tracts in our literature racks for you to pick out, read yourself, and carry with you in your wallet, purse, pocket, or car so that you are ready to plant the seed of God’s Word. Pray for opportunities.

Often, if we live out loud and say something like, “Didn’t God give us a beautiful day today?” the other person’s response may show they are open to hear more. Or, just use an introductory line like, “May I share the best news that I have ever heard with you? Here it is in writing. Let me know what you think.”

I like these business sized, cards available at the IBC welcome centers:

I have found that young adults are often receptive when I point out that the link on the card to which has dozens of free videos about “questions people have about God and life that you can watch on your phone or device.”

Jesus said that if God’s Spirit is in you (as He is in every believer), you will be witnesses for Him. Tracts are a tool to help. So, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to “open to us a door for the Word” (Col. 4:3) and be ready to share when He does, by our words or at least with the written Word through a tract.