Anniversary Weekend Praise

God gave us a great 49th Anniversary Weekend with Dr. Daniel Davey and Pastor Phillip preaching. God’s people gave generously to the Access fund and the Anniversary Offering went over the goal and now stands at $150,000+. On Sunday evening, Pastor Chris shared some historical memories from 1988-89:

This weekend we celebrated IBC’s 49 anniversary on Route 9! Praise the Lord for His many blessings on IBC. Let’s travel back 35 years ago to 1988 and look at that significant year in IBC’s history.

This is the sanctuary that Pastor Mark came to on January 10, 1988 when he, Gerri, Tara, and Erica moved to Martinsburg. The baptismal pool was to the right of the pulpit behind a piece of paneling. Pastor Dave and I were both baptized there along with 100s of other people.

On February 28, 1988, the IBC Building Expansion Informational Update was distributed to the church. This included the detailed floor plan for the proposed new sanctuary, offices, and much needed classroom space.

March 27, 1988 was the church vote to build, and the vote was exactly 75% which is what the board required.

Pastor Mark Johnson, Dave McKenzie, and Pastor Curt Lowry on April 10, 1988 at the Groundbreaking Ceremony after the church service that morning. Notice there is ONE house on the other side of Route 9.

Pastor Mark Johnson, Dave McKenzie (Chairman of the building committee), and Lou DiGuglielmo (Chairman of the Elders) with shovels at the Groundbreaking. Several board members Roger Beard, Bucky Harrison, Todd Way, Junior LeMaster, Elmer Fry, Bill Marion, Jerry Shanholtz, and Pastor Curt Lowry are in the background. The white 2 story farmhouse (built in 1890) that originally owned all of IBC’s 37 acres and the Neilland Park neighborhood is in the background to the left of the brick church wall. The hill in the background across Route 9 is all houses now along with Dunkin Donuts and the DMV.

The original 1974-1988 exterior of Independent Bible Church. 1988 stats from Pastor Mark’s end of the year “Pastor’s Report”:

The congregation of 400 has been willing to take new steps of faith in God such as voting to build and voting to hire our first Youth Pastor, Van Marsceau Sept. 11, 1988.

Faithful stewardship and sacrificial giving, 37% general fund, 38% Building Fund, and 25% Missions.

God is working in lives at IBC, with souls being saved, believers taking new steps of growth, and new folks coming and finding needs met: 12 new members, and 10 baptized in 1988.

Easter Sunday April 3 was 522 and Friend Day May 1 was 612.

January of 1989 “New Exterior.” Notice the original sign which was replaced in 1999 and is being replaced by a new digital sign in December 2023.

IBC’s first Sanctuary in 1986 on a Sunday morning and the New Sanctuary on Jan. 22, 1989, the first Sunday in that room.

5 Looking Ahead goals from 1988 that are still important goals at IBC in 2023:

·       Keeping our eyes on Jesus Christ, allowing us to be positive and confident no matter


·       Sticking to the basics – pastors who study and teach the Bible.

·       Faithful stewardship and sacrificial giving – We believe that God has been faithful to

provide IBC’s needs through His people over the years. We trust Him to do that now.

·       Welcome and hospitality – The Lord is bringing new people to our church regularly.

·       Each one reach one.