After the School Shooting

When tragedy strikes, we pray for God to comfort the hurting and to draw people to himself. Often, we don’t hear the answers. But, Missionary Randy Bradley just shared an amazing report from Uvalde, Texas, from CEF’s team ministering there this past week. You won’t hear this on the evening news, but be encouraged that God is working in the midst of tragedy.

Uvalde, TX Update (from Fred Pry of CEF) 

“What an emotional and impactful trip! We returned to Warrenton, MO on Monday evening May 30. God blessed in so many ways as we saw Him obviously and purposefully directing each step along the way. Here are just a few things God did:

  • Distributed 19,000 Do You Wonder Why? booklets in English and Spanish. (Note: These were written as a Gospel response after 9-11.)

  • Seven staff and volunteers went to Uvalde, focused on visiting churches on Friday.

  • Saturday, we had 22 workers in Uvalde (1/2 Spanish speakers.

  • Distributed 10,000 Do You Wonder Why? booklets in two days in Uvalde

o     The school district wanted 2800 (4500 student population)

o     20 of 22 Churches took them immediately (including the Catholic church)

o     The Public Library

o     Several restaurants

o     Many individuals on the streets, neighborhoods, including those standing in line to visit Robb Elementary school to pray and drop off flowers/gifts

o     Media personnel.

  • Prayed with Pastors and their wives, individuals, and children

  • 4 stayed overnight in Uvalde because a pastor asked us to teach the children’s Sunday School class for them. The Sunday School teacher was a schoolteacher at Robb Elementary and emotionally unable to teach this first Sunday following the shooting.

  • Shared the Gospel with all ages

  • 22 professed placing their trust in Christ (different ages, 10-80 yrs.)

  • One person is now interested in serving as a CEF ministry coordinator in Uvalde because of all this! (There was no local CEF ministry prior.)

  • There is another CEF team in Uvalde this week continuing to minister. Continue to pray for open doors to reach this hurting area with the Gospel.

There is much more I could share, but here is just one story: The team talked with one 10-year-old boy who attends the school. He was very shaken because he had been held back one grade and would have been in that classroom. They shared the Gospel with him, and he was one who trusted in Christ!”

As we pray for tragedies, pray that God’s people, like these CEF workers, will be mightily used to show Christ’s love and share the hope of Christ’s message. Praise God.