Joppa, Israel

Yesterday, Gerri and I and our BCM Israel Study Tour group got to visit Joppa. This is my fourth time in Israel, but I had never been to Joppa before now.

In the Old Testament, Jonah boarded a ship in Joppa only to encounter a storm, be thrown overboard, and be swallowed by a whale or great fish. Here we are sitting by a statue of a whale in Joppa meant to commemorate that event.


Joppa, Israel


In the New Testament, the apostle Peter raised Dorcas from the dead here, saw a vision of a great sheet from heaven while staying with Simon the Tanner, and left from here to go to Caesarea to tell Gentile Cornelius about the Messiah. Read about these events in Acts 9:36-10:23. This is a picture of the traditional site of Simon the Tanner’s house where Peter was staying in Joppa.


Traditional site of Simon the Tanner’s House, Joppa Israel


Today, Nazareth, Cana, Megiddo… Thanks for your prayers for our trip!