The Psalmist wrote, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May they be secure who love you!” (Psalm 122:6)
We visited the Western Wall (“Wailing Wall”) yesterday and many of us prayed there. One of our group took this picture of me without my knowing but sent it to me later.
Praying at the Wailing Wall
Paul wrote, “Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for (Israel) is that they may be saved” (Rom. 10:1).
Here is our Israeli guide, Ami (whose name means “My People”). He is excellent. He is a veteran, having served as a tank commander in the 1973 battles in the Golan Heights, when God’s Providence spared Israel against overwhelming odds. He is very respectful of Jesus and Christianity.
This picture shows him with tour leader Bob Evans and Bible teacher Homer Heater atop Masada. His presentation was very moving.
Pray for the Prince of Peace to draw many to Himself. Shalom.