My Mission Statement

The mission of my life is to glorify God through the systematic study, diligent application, and practical teaching of the Bible in order to multiply and edify Christ’s Church.

I wrote this years ago and it still motivates me each time I consider it. The first half is modeled after Ezra 7:10. “For Ezra had set his heart to study the Torah of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach statutes... in Israel.” I’m no Ezra, but as a student and teacher of God’s Word, he was greatly used in shaping the Old Testament canon, teaching it, and bringing revival in his day.

My God-given spiritual gift seems to be pastor-teacher (Ephesians 4:11). I truly love His Word and how it changes lives—mine and those I teach. I want to be systematic in my study, diligent in living it, and practical in teaching.

While in Bible College, God impressed upon me His priority on the local church as His primary channel in this age. The Great Commission calls us to evangelize and make disciples, to multiply and to edify Christ’s Church as reflected in the second half of my personal mission.

I love the Church universal and I love IBC as the local church God has called me to serve for 34 years now. I love its people, its leadership team, and its mission. Yes, the church is flawed, including this pastor. But, Christ is still sanctifying us; and though yet imperfect, we love the people who are His Church because we love Him.

What personally makes me tick? Word and Church. I am excited to grow as a man of God’s Word and a servant in His Church.

What’s your mission? We all exist to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. But, I challenge you to consider your gifts and passions, to pray about how God wants you to use them, and to craft a sentence that begins, “The mission of my life is...” It’s a valuable exercise that will help you keep first things first for the glory of God.