Seeking to Love All of Jesus, Not Just Part of Him

“I have never read the whole Bible.” This was a true statement about me…at least until I finished my 1 year Bible reading plan last month.

It’s a bit strange to think about it. I have about 12 years of theological education, I have been involved in different kinds of ministries throughout that time, and I have been a full-time pastor for 4 years now…yet, I could not say that I had actually read the whole thing.

Now, I would never say that I was living in sin before covering those portions in the Old Testament prophets I had never read before. However, I would say—and this is the proposition I want you to consider today—that someone who claims to be a follower of Christ is someone committed to studying the whole cannon of Scripture (key word “committed”).

How can I say something like that? Well, it is easy when you consider Jesus’ own teaching on the matter, namely, that the whole of Scripture is about Him! (Jn. 5:39; 6:46–47; Lk. 24:27). Practically speaking, this means that you’re not loving all of Jesus if you ONLY study the New Testament…OR…if you ONLY study the Old Testament.

With that in mind, let me encourage you to jump on a Bible reading plan this year. There are a myriad of excellent choices online. There are plans for reading the Bible several times in one year, or once in one year, or once in two years, etc. You know what kind of pace you’re able to keep. The important thing is for you to be in the word and to interact with all of it.

Although there are many benefits and reasons for doing a bible reading plan, let me share with you how my life benefited from it the most in 2024.

Following a Bible plan diminishes pockets of idleness in your day: you probably agree with me when I say that we tend to spend too much time on sports, TV shows, social media, news, entertainment, etc…and not as much time as we should in Bible reading and prayer. There is nothing inherently wrong with any of the things listed, yet those are the very things that often compete for our time with the Lord. A Bible reading plan doesn’t only encourage you to utilize a few minutes of your day in something BETTER, it also reorients you to think about things that have eternal value.

So what are you going to do? Have you read the whole Bible yet? Is Bible reading truly a part of your daily routine? When was the last time you read the book of Obadiah or Zachariah? It’s still January, let me encourage you to participate in a Bible reading plan…either on your own or with a couple of buddies. Don’t miss out on that blessing!