The Fruit of Generosity

IBC has been blessed with many generous givers currently and in the past—people who love God, enjoy giving to His work, and believe the words of Jesus that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:36b).

Many give regularly and many have remembered God’s work through their estates, all in the spirit of the Apostle’s inspired words:

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful fiver. And God is able to make all grace about to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work (2 Cor. 9:7-8).

Several individuals who gave significant estate gifts to missions have made possible a fund that we now refer to as the LEGACY MISSIONS ACCOUNT. They loved giving to IBC’s missionaries; and their generosity continues to give through the interest on this account annually. I thank the Lord for Randy Lott, Marie LeMaster, Jim and Frances Biedler, and Nick Dugan. They are part of the IBC Reunion in heaven; but I can testify from knowing them that they loved Jesus personally and loved funding the spread of the Gospel.

The Missions Committee and Elders have approved missionaries John and Tabitha Groeneveld (ABWE, Togo) as this year’s recipients of the LEGACY MISSIONS AWARD, providing $3995 toward the hospital benevolence fund, Bibles, and airfare for their oldest daughter returning to the US for Christian College.

Other Legacy-funded projects in recent years include the Ketchem’s Pastor Training in Bangladesh (2023), the Zellmer’s Camp reaching Muslim Youth in Kosovo (2022), the suffering Church in Ukraine and Myanmar (2021), and Bible Translation through the Byron’s (2020).

Another fruit of generosity is the Hanshew Memorial Scholarship Fund. Pastor Charles Hanshew led IBC from 1967 to 1982 when the Lord called him home at the age of 42. His wife Grace served alongside him and then continued at IBC until her homegoing in May, 2023. She blessed our church with over 50 years of music ministry. Charles and Grace Hanshew loved Bible education and loved to encourage men and women to major in Bible and prepare to serve in full time ministry. After her husband’s passing, Grace recommended that memorial gifts given in his honor would establish a fund to help Bible College and Seminary students.


The Missions Committee and Elders have approved Alexandria Sheldon, a Junior at Appalachian Bible College as this year’s recipient of the CHARLES AND GRACE HANSHEW SCHOLARSHIP. This annual award is given to an IBC member who is a Bible Major and upperclassman or graduate student.

Other recipients of the Hanshew Memorial Scholarship in past years include Nate Hayes (2023), Michael Burkholder (2022), Annelise Hull (2021), Zach Grimm (2019-2020), Alyssa Hull (2017-2018), Daniel Baer (2016), Jonathan Skinner (2015), and Ethan Kerns (2014). Many of these are in full time ministry today and all are serving the Lord in their churches.

Be encouraged by the fruit of the generosity of others. Let’s learn from their example and give cheerfully to provide fruit that remains to the glory of our generous God. “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift” (2 Cor. 9:15).