Pray for Ukraine

We need to continue praying for believers in Ukraine (and Russia). Our Ukrainian missionary, Vlad and his son Vitali, continue to serve in harm’s way, transporting those in danger, providing humanitarian aid, and sharing the Gospel with soldiers and civilians alike. (The rest of their family has been safely evacuated.)

The people of IBC have given $13,902 so far for Ukrainian relief. Our missionary Bob Evans is with BCM International, who is highly involved on the ground through their missionaries and churches there. He recently wrote to us the following:

(When) you hear on the news about Ukraine, Bucha, Kiev, Odessa, Donetsk, Lvov, Zytomyr , Mukachevo, (these) are not just “names” to me.  I have, over the years, ministered in all these places.  I have Ukrainian friends who live here; pastors, missionaries, brothers and sisters in Christ.  I have known some of our BCM missionary personnel since they were children and now to see what they are facing and experiencing brings tears to my eyes. I try to talk to some of them on the phone 2-3 times a week.  I “rejoice” when they pick up the phone because I am afraid some day, they might not be able to pick it up. 

One of our veteran American missionaries to Russia and Ukraine recently wrote that this “war” is a work of Satan against the most open country for the gospel in all of Europe. I believe Ukraine is just that and Satan and his forces want to shut it down.  Let’s not let him do that. Thousands of Ukrainians are coming to faith in Christ as a result of the witness of God’s people, demonstrating His love in very tangible ways both inside the borders of Ukraine and in the surrounding nations.

God is at work. It is encouraging to hear that thousands are receiving eternal life through Christ, even as thousands are dying due to this horrible war. Bob also shares about BCM’s Ukraine Disaster Relief Fund:

BCM is helping our own staff who are still in Ukraine plus many others who need food, clothes, housing, and transportation out of the country.  A number of our staff families are separated because the men are not able to leave and in some cases they don’t want to leave because the need is so great.  They shuttle people to the border of Poland or Hungary and then load the van with food and haul it back to Zhytomyr, Bucha, Kiev or another city to demonstrate God’s love and concern.  We have some older staff who are physically unable to make the journey out and remain in perilous situations.  The need for funding is great.  It will be an ongoing need for some time.

BCM has evacuated their orphanage in Mariupol (a city nearly totally destroyed) and those children are now safe in Germany. Their Mission office in Bucha was severely damaged, but they have provided food, clothing, and other aid to the residents there. Bucha is a town that makes up part of the urban metropolis of Kiev, Ukraine’s capital. The Russian withdrawal from that town left hundreds of bodies in the streets, mass graves, and over 99% of buildings looted and damaged by Russian troops.

Gifts through IBC designated “Ukraine” are now being given to the BCM Disaster relief fund. You can also designate love gifts directly to “Vlad” and his family and ministry. Please give as the Lord leads.

I have been able to receive emails from our missionary Vlad every week or two. He recently closed his email report on his ministry with these personal words: “God bless America. God bless Ukraine. May God allow us to see one another again in person.” Pray for him and for all of the suffering believers. Pray for peace. Pray for the spread of the good news of Jesus, who one day will wipe away every tear from His people’s eyes.