The 21 Day Journey

At the end of Sunday’s live streamed sermon on John 1:6-13, “Life-giving Light,” I encouraged you to personalize the message in two ways: 1. Be sure you have received Jesus Christ and trusted Him to become a child of God and 2. Pass Jesus on to someone else and invite them to Him, the life-giving Light.

I mentioned a tool you can use to introduce someone else to Jesus. If they are open to learning more about your Savior and finding out why He is so important to you, invite them to take “The 21 Day Journey.” It involves agreeing to read a chapter of John a day for 21 days with an open mind.

Here’s the link: This website has a chapter for each day with optional study questions/ helps. Offer to take the journey with your friend. You can both read a chapter a day and see what God will say to you.  It’s simple; but it’s powerful because it is God’s Word.

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name ( John 20:30-31).