Missions Weekend Reflections

The Missions Weekend was encouraging in many ways. Steve Richardson’s three messages were biblical, practical, and uplifting. They were full of facts about what God is doing around the world that you won’t hear on the news. His Sunday morning message felt like “the Book of Acts is still happening today.” It brought tears to my eyes. Then, Sunday evening, on “The Mysterious Ways of God” from Mark 4:27 was really personable and memorable.

If you missed these messages or want to hear them again, visit www.ibcwv.org/media-sermons. They are truly impacting.

The Missions Weekend Offering exceeded the goal of $6000 fourfold. The IBC family gave over and above regular giving a total of $29,605. That comes to $5921 per missionary to help their ministries take huge steps forward. Thank you for your cheerful giving, which is an act of worship to our Lord Jesus.

Our missionaries and our entire church were greatly encouraged by the sessions. All ages heard missionaries share on their age level what God is doing today and for all eternity. One of our missionary guests just wrote:

“It's hard to believe that the conference is all over. We had looked forward to it for so long. The great thing is that this was a weekend that we won't forget anytime soon. We wanted to be able to thank you for everything. So many people worked hard in order for this past weekend to be a success; from making sure tables were in the right places all the way to the shepherding that results in a congregation that values investing in world missions in a big way. I fought hard to hold back tears when the amount of money raised over the weekend was announced. Monetary support aside, we appreciated the platform to communicate our ministry further. The questions we received showed that people were really tracking and understanding the values and methodology that we hold!”

Thanks, Missions Committee, and thanks church for honoring Christ by serving together and valuing God’s heart for the world. One reason God has blessed IBC is its commitment to missions, which is on His heart.

As we think about what we’ve heard, let’s be doers of the Word and not hearers only in our praying, giving, and going.